Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back to life, back to reality...

Yesterday was my first day back at work.  What a yucky day it was for many reasons.  The roads were icy, my boss was hanging out at my store all day, and I had to leave Arlo at home.  On the bright side, I really love my job when I'm there (it's the leaving home that's hard) and Charlie was able to spend the afternoon at home with Arlo.  I won't have to leave him with our nanny until next week.

A couple pics from my last morning at home before becoming a working mother...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010

 Well, 2010 has come to a close...hard to believe.  We started this year with the hopes of growing our family and are so thankful this dream came true.  We also experienced a terrible loss with the passing of Charlie's sister, Liz.  We share memories of Liz every day and cherish the fact that she was able to hold her nephew and spend several UNC tailgates with him.  He will know her well through our stories and memories. 

 In 2010, we also moved into our new home.  Here are a few pictures of Christmas at the Helms' house.

Daddy and Arlo on Christmas morning

Roscoe and Gus (our friend Casey's dog) enjoying some couch time

Our Christmas tree and Christmas loot

Gus trying out his Christmas present

Allie getting some sugar

Zoe in her Christmas bow among the carnage


Devilish grin

Roscoe, Tobie, Zoe, Louie in their bows after Christmas in Hickory

Sleepy doggie...managed to find a tiny spot on the couch
Mommy and Arlo - Merry Christmas!
We love you all and are so thankful for amazing friends and family.  We wish you lots of love and happiness in 2011 - it's going to be a great year!!!
Love, Katie