Wednesday, February 29, 2012

TV Time

Arlo has shown very little interest in TV or movies.  Ever.  Even when we get lazy and try to use cartoons as a babysitter for like, 5 seconds just to get the darn dishwasher unloaded in peace.  ;)  I think it might be because our TV's up high in that weird box-above-the-fireplace thing we have.  And when he was a baby, we would use it for the music channels a lot, so maybe he thinks it's just a music player and not worth looking at.

But every now and again, something captures his attention. 
Considering the fact that his dad is entranced, too, I suspect it is one of five things.  Football.  Basketball.  Baseball.  Hockey.  Other miscellaneous sport. 

Daddy showing Arlo the finer points of the Quarterback Sneak?

Arlo starting to get bored of TV.  But still excited to be sitting next to dad in his big boy chair.

 Yep, baby is done with TV.  Dad is still entranced. 

"Hey, mom, wanna go play on the stairs with me?"

Love, Katie

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

First day of school

 Since Arlo is still too young for me to embarrass him, I snapped a few quick pics when I dropped him off for his first day of school.  This was the easy day!  He was thrilled to be there and hardly even noticed when we  left.  Day 2 went similarly.  It was days 3 and 4 that I think he realized I was going to leave him there for the WHOLE day!  Those mornings were tough.  He cried off and on for 30-45 minutes according to his teachers.  :(  

Now it's more than a month later, and he's doing MUCH better, although he still cries when I leave.  I think it is totally for show - his teachers say he stops within a minute or two.  I'm probably not even to my car by that time.   

He is definitely learning social skills and other things that I couldn't teach him at home with just occasional playdates.  Besides the crying, the major downside has been the back to back colds.  Almost the whole time he's been there.  But I guess we expected that.  He handles it in stride so it's not too big of a deal.  

So we're encouraged that we've found a good place for him.  Every day now I get better and better "reports".  I'm a proud mama!

Sweet Roscoe P. Coltrane

It always amazes me how incredibly tolerant he is (and also rather clumsy).  I feel certain that Arlo will one day succeed in his persistent attempts to ride Roscoe.

(Hope my out of focus camera work doesn't give anyone a migraine!)

Monday, February 27, 2012


The next few posts will be catch-up pics from the past month or two that I haven't gotten around to uploading.  How time flies!  So the babe will have long hair in most of, it hasn't grown back that quickly!  And yes, we are all loving his new short new 'do.  But it's fun to see the long hair again!

Practicing walking down the street with Grandma.  

 Hanging out in the front yard with two of his favorite things: UNC & windchimes!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lollipop, lollipop

Oh dear, what have I done?  I've gone and lopped off my little boy's baby curls.  :( 


But when he came home from daycare on Friday with pieces of his bangs STUCK TO HIS CRUSTY BOOGERS, I thought it would be inhumane to not get it cut.  They might actually call child services on me.

In the chair - well, the car actually - getting ready!

 Thankfully, Arlo tried to make it easier on me by being a sweet little gentleman. 


 (As long as no one tried to take his Dum-Dum away.)

"Whoa, lady!  I said a TRIM!"

"Mama, I'm not so sure about this.  She's not going to make me look like a dork, is she?"

"Can I have another lollipop?'

The finished product:

The hair stylist did a great job and Arlo was the ideal subject. 

It's just going to take Mama a little while to get used to this new look. 

 And yes, I did keep a curl.  It's tucked away safely in his baby book.  :)


Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Or day before Valentine's Day, actually.  Today was my day off this week so Arlo and I braved the cold weather and headed out to Forest Hills playground.  Mom's been a slacker with the camera lately.  I snapped these pics with my phone.  Will be better, I promise!

"Look Mom, a slide!!!"

We're working on learning how to go up the stairs rather then going UP the slide.  

It's a work in progress!
