Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Day!

Second snowfall of the year already!  Although today it's more like sleet and slush, so we'll be staying in.  Great opportunity for me to catch up on posting some pictures from the past two months!

This picture of Vaughn and Arlo is very special...almost exactly 6 years prior to taking this picture, I was holding Vaughn when she was this size!  How funny to think she may be babysitting for him in a few years? (P.S. I can't believe how little he is and how much hair he has!  He has rubbed most of that off by now.)

 I have lots of sweet, sleepy baby pictures from the first couple months.  Here is one of him snuggling with mama and sporting the owl onesie made by "aunt" Emily.

Baby's first tailgate!  He was only 2 weeks old (and I was only 2 weeks post-op!), so we moved the tailgate from campus to our house.  Pictured are GranDeda, Aunt Allie, Grandma Mary Ellen, Aunt Liz, Aunt Ginger, and me.  And you might be able to spot Arlo amongst all those girls. 

Another pic from the first tailgate.  He loves the Moby Wrap!  So do I since it gives my arms a rest. :)

More pics to come - check back!

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