Monday, May 21, 2012

Back in action

Is anyone still out there?  I realize it's been over a month since my last post.  If any of you are still checking in (I hope you are!), I will try to get caught up over the next few weeks.  These pics are from April 1st (almost 2 months ago - whoa!) and were taken at Caroline, Matt, and Gigi's house on the same day as the Easter Egg Hunt in my last post.  

We had a great time hanging out in their awesome backyard! 


 Gigi has a super cool water table that was a HUGE hit. 

Unfortunately, Mama didn't bring a change of clothes, so once Arlo was soaked through, Gigi was kind enough to loan him her adorable surf shirt.  :)

 Gigi's pink car was a big hit.  

 I think it must have had a blown spark plug or something because my little mechanic worked on it for a long time.   

 Looks like he found some junk in the trunk!

Since we wanted to return Gigi's cute shirt, this is what the ride home looked like.

I'd say that this little boy was pretty worn out - what a fun day!


1 comment:

  1. What a cutie. I just got our water table out yesterday and after 6 years Cole will still play with it. I would highly recommend investing in one. Love the posts. Have a great weekend
