Yes, I'm a little behind. My mission for the next week or two is to catch up on December so I can really accept the fact that it is *2012* - holy cow.
After our efforts to see Santa in Durham had been foiled (twice!), we decided we'd chase him down all the way to Hickory.
We drove straight to the Hickory mall, met up with Grandeda and Grandaddy, and headed for Santaland. Apparently Santa has seriously commercialized his visits with kids. Gone are the days of a five dollar have to buy a PACKAGE of photographs. They give you a login and password and you go home and order the package from the "photographer's" website. For like 30 bucks. Um, no. So we had secret shooters everywhere (see Grandaddy in the background sneaking a picture?). Charlie was also shooting with my camera, and Grandeda was also snapping pics with her phone. So, no, we didn't get the best shots ever - but I think they turned out just fine!
Lucky for us, it was early in the day and we only had one or two kids ahead of us in line. Arlo loved checking out the "set" - it was so colorful and bright.
Then our turn came!
I mean, is that the real Santa or what? We were totally impressed.
Arlo wasn't scared (duh.) but he did look at me like, "What the heck are you doing putting me on this hairy stranger's lap?"
Santa was rather demure. I think he was reserving his energy for the eight hours of
screaming/laughing/crying/beard-pulling children that were to come.
He's thinking, "I wonder why Grandeda is hiding behind that potted plant taking pictures of me with this old guy."
See the doggie in the bottom right corner? Would it surprise you to know Arlo was more interested in the dog than in Santa?
"Okay, mom, I'm done with this."
Arlo did great! (I knew he would.) I'd say the first visit with Santa was a success, and judging from the pile of gifts under our tree this year, I'd say he must've made the nice list.
With this angelic face, how could he not have? ;)
Love, Katie
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