Friday, January 20, 2012

Walkin' round the house

Arlo took his sweet time with this walking thing.  For how many months now have I been saying, "any day now!"  Well, the day has come.  Actually ever since New Year's weekend, he's been taking one or two or three steps at a time from the couch to the chair or the ottoman to the crib.  Then for the past week or so, it's been 5 or 10 steps in a row and then back to crawling once he lost his balance.  But now!  Check it out!

We had our 15-month doctor visit on Wednesday and she confirmed that taller/bigger/bigger-headed babies tend to take longer finding that balance needed to let go of the couch or the hand or the coffee table.  Indeed, Arlo is 93% for weight (~28 pounds!), 95% for height (~33 inches!), and a whopping 99% for head circumference.  They will probably have to special order his football helmet.  :)

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