We made it through an entire tailgate, football game, and post-game tailgate! Arlo was such a trooper.
He was having such a great time at the tailgate that we decided to give it a try, with the understanding that I would leave early with him if he got grumpy or sleepy or antsy. I didn't bring my camera in to the game, so here is my play-by-play and commentary.
First quarter: After checking things out (including the cute co-eds sitting next to us!), he mostly played at my feet with a pom-pom. It was a noon game so the sun was HOT, but between my tall husband and our tall friends, we were able to make a little shade for him. (I also lathered him in sunscreen from head to toe. Gotta be careful with my fair-haired little boy!) Towards the end of the quarter, we went up to the concourse and sat in front of the fantastic air-conditioned wall for a bit to cool off.
Second quarter: Played with his sunglasses almost the entire time (which was fine since he wasn't going to wear them anyway!).
Halftime: After listening to the really beautiful 9/11 tribute from the marching band, Charlie and I took Arlo back up to the concourse and we hung out in the shade for a bit.
Third quarter: GranDeda and Francis took baby duty up on the concourse while Charlie and I watched the game. Arlo had some frozen lemonade which he LOVED! They had to dole it out slowly or he would have gulped it down and ended up with a brain freeze!
Fourth quarter: We headed back to our seats and I brought out a few snacks. When he was done with those, I gave him my special secret weapon (all mommies know this trick): my keys. That occupied him for the rest of the game.
Overall, he was smiley and giggly and curious and happy THE WHOLE TIME! Not that I don't have faith in my child, but for an almost-11-month old to go for nearly 6 hours outside in the hot sun without a nap and not put up a second of protest was pretty amazing! He did (technically) go to several games when I was still pregnant, so maybe he's just a natural! He didn't even seem to mind the sounds (and it's LOUD where we sit because of the band and the students).
It wasn't until the walk back to the car that he fell asleep. Charlie was carrying him and I look over and he's conked out. And this is not a sleep-anywhere baby. He usually doesn't sleep unless he's in his crib, so I know he was SUPER tired.
When we got back to the car, we turned on the A/C and let him keep sleeping on Charlie for a while. (Charlie is not sleeping by the way - just closed his eyes for my picture-taking.) These pictures make me melt.
A little bit later, he was right back at it. Woke up happy and playful.
Climbing stairs.
Modeling his glasses and hat in the only manner he'll keep them on for any length of time.
Hanging with Grandaddy.
And high-fiving!
BTW, the Heels won (2 and 0 baby!), although it was a little too-close-for-comfort. We had the best time - it was so nice to be able to go as a family! I know it might not always go so smoothly, but I am encouraged that we made it through at least one! Hope to see you all at the game next week! Go Heels!
Love, Katie