Monday, September 5, 2011

Little Mr. Red Head

The other morning (which was COOL and LOVELY!), Arlo and I were playing on the back porch and I noticed how RED his hair looks!  It really just depends on the day and the lighting whether it looks light brown, blond, or red.  Seriously, this child has highlights that people pay big bucks for and they STILL don't look this good. 

By the way, we looove this water table that I bought on clearance at Walgreens for like 12 bucks.  It came with little boats and a water wheel and cup.  A HUGE hit!  The only problem is he wants to play with it now every time he sees it (which is often when we let the dogs in and out).  So it means lots of costume changes and wet clothes. 

And did I mention the teeth?  He's got so many teeth coming in!  It really looks like a whole mouthful.  He's got the four on top and four on bottom that he's had for a while.  A few weeks ago, the two canines on top poked their sharp little points out and are still emerging.  Now we've spotted at least four more on the bottom and I think four more on top.  And these suckers are HUGE!  Big honkin' molars that look like they've got to hurt.  He's had a fussy afternoon every now and then, but mostly has been his sweet, happy, chill self so I guess those teeth are no big deal.  He's really a "super baby."  :)

Love, Katie

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