Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town

I was fortunate enough to meet the newest member of the Monast/DiBiase family last week.  Her name is Ruby Alexandra and she is sweet as pie and perfectly beautiful.  Here she is snuggling with her also beautiful mama, Lauren. 

And here is me, trying to remember how to hold such a little thing.  Then again, my baby was never this little so I don't have much practice (although Lauren did point out that Arlo was in fact this size at some point...like when I was still 7 months pregnant or so).  :) 

Speaking of my little stud muffin and 11-month old, here he is being entertained by Kai while I swoon over Ruby's baby noises and smushy cheeks. 

She is a doll!  And no, she is NOT named after a catchy Kenny Rogers tune.  She's way too cool for that. 

Lots of love and congratulations to the family of Geese. 

Love, Katie

1 comment:

  1. what a sweet post - thank you!
    and while kenny does rock, i kind of like this version - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DnUjTs_GCY&feature=related
