Monday, July 25, 2011

Red, green, yellow, blue, blue, blue, blue...

Arlo LOVES this Leapfrog music toy.  And I love listening to him press the same button 50 times in a row  (Hello! Bye-bye! Hello! Bye-bye!) He also loves the chip clip I attached to his PJs.   

Sunday, July 24, 2011

I heart Roscoe

Who needs a jungle gym...

...when you have a dining room table?!

And he's free!  I don't know how he got through this obstacle course without getting stuck or getting any bumps or bruises, but he did! 

And now, off to the next challenge! 

By the way, he climbed ALL THE WAY up our stairs yesterday.  I know I shouldn't have let him do it, but he was so stinkin' proud, especially when he got halfway up on the landing and then once he made it to the top, he was cracking up and so excited!  I was supervising closely of course and baby gates are on the way, so what's the harm in a little adventure?  The scary thing was how good at it he he's been practicing???

Love, Katie

Monday, July 18, 2011


Last weekend we went to Linville for a nice, relaxing vacation.  Arlo's grandaddy and grandeda were there and we had a great time all hanging out together.  We picked blueberries, sat out on the porch in the lovely COOL weather, spent some time with friends, and overall just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company.

For lunch on Saturday, we had delicious hot dogs and beers from the 19th hole and sat out on the porch overlooking the golfers finishing their rounds.   

Arlo got to try his hand at "driving" the golf cart - the first of MANY times he'll want to drive, I'm sure.

Back at home later on Sunday evening, I snapped these pictures that remind me that a wrapping paper roll is as fun and new and exciting (and tasty?) as any fancy baby toy. 

Thank goodness for weekends in the NC mountains - there is nothing better. 

Love, Katie 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Boys and their toys

This video is from a few weeks ago, but I had forgotten how adorable it was, so I'm posting it late! 

Love, Katie

A new trick!

We're not sure if this is waving "Hi" or making the sign for milk, but it's cute regardless!  It reminds me of the time I taught Zoe sit, stay, speak, and spin within a few days of each other, so anytime I said anything starting with "S", she would run through all 4 tricks in rapid succession. 

Incidentally, I also taught Zoe "high-five."  She and Arlo are learning the same tricks. 

Love, Katie

What's wrong with this picture?

I've been on a blogging hiatus for a couple weeks, but I am planning on getting caught up soon!  In the meantime, here is evidence that my son does things his own way and I love that about him. 

Love, Katie