Monday, December 20, 2010


My favorite activity lately is doing whatever it takes to make Arlo smile.  Fortunately, it doesn't take much! 
Check these out from just the past couple days:


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Photo Ketchup

(Photo catch-up, that is.)
Daddy and sleepy baby

Amy and I have been friends for about 20 years!
Sam and Arlo are almost exactly 4 months apart...I hope their friendship is even longer than ours.  :)

I love when he yawns.  I have lots of these pictures.

Emily and family came to visit when Arlo was three weeks old.  Emily and I have been friends for about 13 years.  I was not surprised that Arlo loved her immediately!

Naptime on Grandma Melon. 

Baby's second game day.  This time we went to campus for the tailgate and then came home to watch the game. 

Go Tar Heels!

Bundled up for our first walk around the block.  He loves to stroll and we're both looking forward to Spring so we can get out more!  This winter has been COLD!

What's up, cheeks?

I can't get enough of that sweet face. How 'bout you?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow Day!

Second snowfall of the year already!  Although today it's more like sleet and slush, so we'll be staying in.  Great opportunity for me to catch up on posting some pictures from the past two months!

This picture of Vaughn and Arlo is very special...almost exactly 6 years prior to taking this picture, I was holding Vaughn when she was this size!  How funny to think she may be babysitting for him in a few years? (P.S. I can't believe how little he is and how much hair he has!  He has rubbed most of that off by now.)

 I have lots of sweet, sleepy baby pictures from the first couple months.  Here is one of him snuggling with mama and sporting the owl onesie made by "aunt" Emily.

Baby's first tailgate!  He was only 2 weeks old (and I was only 2 weeks post-op!), so we moved the tailgate from campus to our house.  Pictured are GranDeda, Aunt Allie, Grandma Mary Ellen, Aunt Liz, Aunt Ginger, and me.  And you might be able to spot Arlo amongst all those girls. 

Another pic from the first tailgate.  He loves the Moby Wrap!  So do I since it gives my arms a rest. :)

More pics to come - check back!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Back in the Saddle

I knew this blog was going to be hard for me!  There are just too many things I'd rather be doing than sitting at my computer (especially since my computer is SO slow)...but I know having this journal of memories and photos will be worth it in the long run, so I am recommitting myself to blogging.  My New Year's resolution the past several years has been to take more pictures.  Arlo is certainly inspiration for that!  So this year's resolution will be to get those pictures onto this blog to share with family and friends. 

Believe it or not, Arlo is TWO MONTHS old today.  As you can see, he is getting better and better at holding up that big ol' head.  He usually really likes tummy time, although sometimes he uses it to just lay quietly and suck on his hand.  I think he prefers sleeping on his will be interesting to see if he sleeps that way once he can roll himself over.

Arlo and I went to a neighborhood cookie exchange party on Sunday, so here we are dressed in our festive reds.  This picture doesn't do this cute outfit (courtesy of GranDeda) justice since you can't see the reindeer face on his bum.  We had a nice time at the cookie exchange - Arlo was a dream, it was nice to meet some neighbors, and we got to eat cookies! 

Too bad this photo came out blurry!  It was such a cute one, I had to post it anyway.  This was taken on Arlo's two-month birthday just before we headed out to the doctor for his 2-month visit.  Here are the stats...drumroll please...

Head circumference: 16.6 inches (93rd precentile!)
Height: 24.7 inches (96th percentile!)
Weight: 16.8 pounds (99th percentile!

Yes, we have a big baby!  But the doc is pleased with his growth and the fact everything is proportional.  He is happy, healthy, and we just can't get enough of these sweet smiles. 

Love, Katie