Sunday, May 22, 2011


Eeek!  Just realized I haven't posted since the beginning of the month!  Mommy's been a slacker and let my blog-updating duties slide.  Confession: I've been feeling a little (a lot) sorry for myself being a full-time working mother.  I struggle with the working mom thing pretty much every day...but especially on weekends when I miss out on time with family and friends.  But I know it's a reality for many moms these days and it can be done and we're (I'm) trying to handle it the best I can.  Working mom friends out there...advice? 

In the littles shnookums is growing up so fast!  He's been sitting well for about a month now.  Still the occasional topple - usually when he reaches too far or tries to turn to see something directly behind him - but he's pretty much a pro! 

He's starting to get chattier - mostly blowing strawberries at whatever he happens to be playing with.  (This has drastically increased the drool on the shirt factor...if that's even possible - he has EIGHT teeth now!)

He smiles at funny things, noisy things, smelly things, doggie things and sometimes at nothing at all.  He's such a happy kid...just don't make him wait for his bottle or you'll see his dark side.  :)

He loves his veggies!  And has gotten so much neater at mealtime.  Except when he tries to grab the spoon and feed himself, which is often.  He sits in his big-boy highchair and loves to gaze out the windows between bites.

First taste of carrots.  Despite this unsure look he gave me at first, he loves them!

I'm so distracting with my giant black camera, but I gotta get the good shots!

Next up: sweet potatoes.  And beets.  That should be interesting. 

Love, Katie

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